I am finally back at school!

The first day back is such a milestone in the year. It is a time to restart and begin again. No matter how last year went, if you had a good or bad year, did well in your work or not, had good friends or none, this is a new time. We all feel it. Right? And with that comes a sense of hope. Hope is so important to live with. It keeps us moving forward.

I love feeling hopeful and I do. I am putting behind anything negative. What can you leave behind from your year last year that is negative? What are you looking forward to this year? What can you commit to doing that is good and positive? Here are some ideas:

1) Commit to your school work - being organized and keeping up with your homework daily, not letting it build up, but doing little bits each day, keeping focused on it day by day, turning in your assignments on time, caring about all your subjects (even the ones you don’t really enjoy) because this is our task now, whether we like it or not we have to make it through school. Let’s do the best we can.

2) Commit to friends - being a good, kind person, caring about a few people deeply, understanding their ups and downs and being an understanding ear, asking about them, inviting them places, doing stuff together and also being polite and kind to the larger group, even if they are not your close friends. Complimenting people on their outfits or achievements, smiling and saying hi, never condoning bullying, always looking for ways to be positive and supportive. Now this does not mean you have to be friends with people that are cruel or toxic or bullies or whatever, you don’t need to be horrible to them, just avoid them and move on with your life.

3) Commit to self care - getting rest, sleep, keeping your room organized, not spending too much time on your phone, going for a walk or doing some exercises, getting rid of toxic friends, planning your future goals, taking steps to make your goals happen, seeking out positive friends and experiences and make time for them, take care of your skin and teeth as best you can with the money you have.

Who is with me on making this a fresh new year?