Re-training myself for school!!!

I thought I was totally ready for school, like I have all my supplies and outfits and books and schedule and my room is ready…. but then I realized that I have not been getting up early enough for school. I love getting up early as I am really a morning person, but cause of fun summer stuff I have been staying up later and later. I have actually been missing my early morning me.

So I have been re-training myself to get up early ahead of my first week back at school. That way it will be so much easier when I start! You can see my week process here as little by little I get myself ready. I am very committed to doing well at school this year and for me getting up early and getting a good start on the day is part of that. I know it is not for everyone, but if you are like me and need a change, maybe you can decide today that this week you will do something different everyday next week! It is the little decisions and little actions that can make life more organized and us better coping.

I hope you subscribe and watch all my other videos, I try to be positive and show you how I live my life as well as I can.