Morning person or evening person?

I am a morning person. I recently did a video about retraining myself to get up early for the school year, but being a morning person it wasn’t a struggle, it only took a week. If you are a night owl it may take longer. But honestly, now that I am back into the school year, only a week in, I know that it is helping! I feel so accomplished when I get up and get going early. I follow a similar routine, but it is changing over the years. It is comforting and allows me to get things done but also feel on top of myself.

This week I started my homeschooling, I only went to school for orientation and started the homework portion of my school work. I will start classes next week. I like the variety of my schedule, some days I am home and some days I am out at a school building. So my routines will be slightly different for each of these days.