My happy Vlog, part 2 - the introverted, homebody me

Sometimes I am just home doing nothing in particular. You know those days that slip by, you had no real plan but it’s 6pm and you don’t know exactly how you got there! Like real life! This is my version of that. Nothing really happens. But at the same time, these days are really who I am. And you know, even if nothing is really going on I still am happy. I think that often we can get caught up in being happy if there is something big happening, but happiness is really a way of looking at the world and being grateful for the big and little events/things/experiences. It is a better way to live than being miserable cause nothing cool is happening or my life is not as great as hers'.

Your life has great big things and small things that are in your control or not in your control. What you can control is your outlook, how you choose to see yourself and your life. I have always naturally looked at the good side of things, but I think I can do even better and choose to be even more positive. And you can be that too!!